Empires&puzzles: Dah lama tak (me)tunjuk cabutan hero

🤣🤣 Tajuk pun bakhang

My luck with HOTM is ever so fruitful, just not very versatile. Nowadays if I keep on re-training at the Academy, I will get an HOTM too, 2 so far in this 1 year.

Minions that boost health and quite sturdy at 23% HP, unlike Telluria's minions that can easily die 😛😛

Allies' skill damage +20% for 4 turns, still better than Telluria which only lasted for 2 turns. I hardly see Telluria in any defenses nowadays, but I still love that guy 🤣🤣 (actually I don't want to lose resources invested in him, malasla dah aku 🤣🤣)

Telluria jangan kecik ati noh, hang memang aku sayang lebih 🤣🤣

I also get to draw this dude. I thought he looked drunk 😛😛 but actually he just came out from a disastrous lab experiment. A perfect hero for a science teacher like me 🤣🤣
It's a bit odd that he inflicts more damage to a Holy enemy, but that is the outcome of his experiment I guess 😅😅🤔 The best of all is the fast mana fill because my ❄️ heroes are mostly sllloooooow 🤭🤭

Here are all my HOTMs so far. Raff and Malosi from Hero academy, Zim from exchange, the others were all lucky bonus draws.