Ugh she looks disgusting.
She will definitely fall everywhere while walking.
I bet she just stays on her throne and wait for Oden to report in. I meant Odin 🤣🤣🤣
(oke perhaps I have watched too much of Elizabethan movies 🤣🤣)
But I like her skills
Oh here's another Elizabeth I am watching
Supper on autoplay 🤣🤣🤣 (ye lah orang takde kerja lain. kalau adapun, buat bodoh je kan)
This Hwa Tai Golden Oatz (i.g link) crackers are really, really good. Give it Elle and Vire cream cheese dip 🤤🤤🤤 omgosh I am so hungry. I ate as usual, but my stomach is already singing the blues 😸😸
Thank you and good night