Empires & Puzzles: Auntie has new work to do

Yeehaw, finally after a successful Mirages quest yesterday, obtained the 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dark aether to limit break ice cube lady Alfriike. The TC is currently working hard in producing dark heroes for her next level-ups. Sape maless nanti makcik cubit2 dia😂😂 (sebenarnya makciklah kepala pemalas tu, ada hati nak cubit orang😒😒)

But the husband don't yet have enough nature aether III for his limit break😜😜 Perhaps I missed the last stage of the Mirages' that time. But yeah, I didn't find the quest too hard yesterday, or perhaps it was because I had a really good puzzle overall the whole time of the quest🥺🥺
Baru je selesai buat 'kertas pentaksiran'. Macam namateylah ikut format kertas peperiksaan, tapi mati2 tak mengaku tu kertas peperiksaan. Salah satu komennya, jenis mukataip ni tak nampak macam Ariallah. Apa masalah kalau Calibripun, murid tak boleh baca ke? Eh, nombor muka surat ni letak tengah ya. Tertinggal satu nokhtah ni, print semula. Merumitkan benda remeh je semuanya, sedangkan sepatutnya semak konstruk. Manusia macam ni elok jadi komputer je kalau suka sangat berformat. Boleh format fikiran dia sekali😒😒