Made my first million after I logged back in.
A week or two after I decided to log back in, i was playing games as usual. But my skills at those games have.gone rally down the slope. Yes, very bad like I have just started.
My current goal is a petpet gallery. For the time being, I just fill the gallery with cheap petpets. So more expensive petpets would mean more NP needed, so this will not happen if I keep on playing games like I used to which is not going to help me build a mountain of NP with this rusty skills 😂😂😂
So I have moved from gaming to restocking, RSing as Neopians refer on the Neoboards. Alright, so that is how I made my first million since coming back. Oh yes, and also Neodaq stock market which has been doing well too.
More on RSing and stock market later, perhaps.