I have been a customer of Photobook Malaysia since 2015. It all started with free photo book promotion at Groupon.
So this time there was an email sent saying that a free photobook is available when we use the Photobook app. Apa lagi melompatla acik, rugi kako tak pakai.
Alright, so after installing the app, this is how it looks like. The offer is applicable with Simple Book project.
The photos here were already edited with PhotoGrid app. Just choose 21 photos.
After the project is perfected, you will be brought to the payment page. Check your address, discount code, payment method, and shipping method. Photobook will be delivered to the designated address in 4 to 7 days.
Tak sabarnye acik 😍😍 The last order I made was in November last year. Oh ya, forget to mention that the original price of this simple book is RM80.00 plus normal shipping RM9.00. I usually buy an offer from Groupon ranging from RM0.00 (yes, free early birds offer) to RM5.00. So including shipping fee, my orders have never exceeded RM20.00 so far.