What, you have just noticed?
Anyway, I am also cleaning up my own wardrobe. I have thrown away work baju kurung that has been my uniform through this 10 years. And also all my shabby T shirts stained with mold- yucky if people look at them. And also a few of them that are already too small for me to wear since I have gained a bit more of weight after the last pregnancy. Al those worn out clothes that you are even ashamed of donating to people are now off my sight.
Old things gone, now need to replace them with new and better ones. Baju kurungs no problemo because I buy them once in a while for work. I just want to feel good with nice clothes, treat myself like a shao nainai rather than a maid. Also, I like the idea of wearing clothes just decent enough to be worn at home, and if I would have to go out to the groceries shop or buy lunch or fetch my son from school, I do not need to change. Great, right? So I decided that perhaps I would buy a new blouse once a month because I am not willing to pay more than 40 bucks for a piece of blouse. But you know what, I got lucky last Friday at The Store Semenyi*h when I found this cheap sales box of perhaps stock clearance blouses and T shirts at only 5 ringgit per piece. And luckier that there were plenty of my size of clothes. We know that clearance sizes are usually too small or too big, very rarely that average sizes are available. One of them in that picture. Bought 4 pieces *luv luv* No torn, dirt or unpleasant smell. So next is hunting for capri shorts.