I have just completed test papers to be printed tomorrow and set for test the next week for year 5. Then did a bit of frogging. I find it difficult to assign work when I select a class and have to omit most of students names in it because those omitted names belongs to other classes. It is like I have to select every class there is and unselect those who are not my students. Tedious. I guess after a while, we all would get pretty tired and bored.
So, since the week before that my saturday off was sntached by vle frog, I decided not to attend any school activity saturday this week, and my big boy Farhan was still recovering from a four day span fever. His fever slowly look recovering after a dose of cough med diphendry but the next day so hard to keep him on it. The best I could do is mix it in a little Ribena and see if he finish it all at one go. The med does not taste really prominent in that drink I thought but it is like he just knew there is something wrong when mommy insist on him finishing it. This is one boy who is very tuff on the meds! Weekend was very odd because the boys were crying all day. I was annoyed but there was nothing I could do. I look after them and I have to complete the test paper. It was all annoying. I woukd usually just switch off the tv and let them play outside then bathe then play upstairs then play outside again then bathe and perhaps tv again very late in the evening after dinner or before bed.