Spent the whole afternoon today adding some learning material to my vle frog.
To give the frog a prettier presentation, I use presentations, print screen them and insert the JPEG image into the frog app. I think it is an easier method than typing and formatting the writings in the frog itself, unless I just need to type a few words. Ok so Prezi.com here is a website where we can make presentations. There are pre-made templates so just type in what you want. Very quick.
Today I focused on my TMK frog, completing the last four chapters in Year 5 TMK module 1. TMK or ICT in English. So far, the subject is pretty complicated. Like the chapter Blog, students are actually expected to publish their own blog. The textbook showed very simplified steps that I think only achievable by people like me that has extensive experience. Students will surely ask a lot especially with their limited English vocabulary of registration jargons. They cannot understand much of formal Malay language either. So I made a more detailed step by step from signing up, signing in, publishing a post and viewing the blog itself. I have put up the manual at the frog app and will print some for classroom use. I have put an effort to produce such manuals a few times now I think I am really good at it!