You could tell that these are found... at a dentist's clinic of course! This photo were taken early last year. I should have been to another visit this year already though ...
Cleanliness issue in my school. Pupils simply throw things on top of this temporary classroom. Perhaps it is not about cleanliness but more to attitude. This was taken last year. The classroom is no longer there.
My work desk, yeah! Anyway, I have cleared 50% of it a few days ago, wahaha!! It is not because I have too much to do, but rather for the fact that I am lazy and ignorant of this mess!
Cleanliness issue in my school. Pupils simply throw things on top of this temporary classroom. Perhaps it is not about cleanliness but more to attitude. This was taken last year. The classroom is no longer there.
It was December and the school still not ready for the coming of January 2014. Doggone that contractor!
My students- some are studying, some are chatting!
Cooking chicken wrapped in pandan leaves. Pandan leaves courtesy of cikgu Kal*som. I always have chicken at home, especially fillets, so I immediately cook these because if I take until later, it may not be cooked at all. My work desk, yeah! Anyway, I have cleared 50% of it a few days ago, wahaha!! It is not because I have too much to do, but rather for the fact that I am lazy and ignorant of this mess!