This session was carried out on year 5A, the lowest end class last September. The task was placing a book on a piece of paper. Pupils worked in pairs and each pair was given a piece of A4 sized paper. Their first impression was- is it possible? how? They were looking at how each other were doing until one student folded the paper and made the book stood on it. Though most of them were only copying what others did, a few of them came up with their own ideas. And at last, a number of them decided to stack as many books as possible...
You see, this is one group of pupils who has never passed their Science paper, but that does not mean that they cannot understand what they learn in Science. When PBS was introduced, I thought a learning session/ assesment such as this would be emphasized more on, not really on changing the curriculum on the whole nor the failed SPPBS system. I hope people involved in teaching the children will be given more space to voice out their challenges and their points are taken into consideration and not just kept in files.