there, yet invisible- where is the art?

Pendidikan Seni Visual my ***!
This is the result when we are too focused on the UPSR subjects. The sense of creativity, tidiness and effort could not be nurtured. All they do is try their best to answer the question and answer it using the technique that have been familiarized with. Forget about creativity. These were taken from the class I invigilated yesterday. Year 6 students from the 5th. class.

Exhibit 1- Students are asked to design a wallpaper by folding and cutting out.

There were a few pupils using this similar design. Perhaps this is the only thing that they have learned this year and decided to use it as wallpaper design.


This looks more like a wallpaper design only if it's better organized. I told the student to imagine that this design is going to be used on the wall of a home, and if she would want to have this used in her own home.

Exhibit 2- Design a beverage coaster by weaving techniques.
Over-sized for a beverage coaster, don't you think?

Exhibit 3- Draw a bunch of local fruits placed in a basket.
On the left isn't organized well. On the right is not refined enough though it was sent like 30 minutes before time.

 Again, not refined enough. This was handed over at the last minute. Pupil was spotted chatting while at work.

Exhibit 4- Reuse materials such as plastic bottles and boxes into pen stand.
The ones on the left are the easy way out- asalkan buat je. Again, not much effort and certainly not sense of artistry is seen put into this work. On the right though is a bit better, but actually more could be done in that 1 half hour of the whole test period.

And if you noticed, materials used are just papers and coloured pencils. The question itself didn't emphasize on specific materials to be used, just stated that 'pupils can use any materials they think suitable'.

This subject should bring creativity and a sense of organization out of a student. I mean, if you cannot produce something outside the box, there is something decent enough that you can be proud of yourself by producing it. These are not the worst products of them all- only if pupils put more effort into it and not just do anything to fill 1 half hour of test period.