BPA or the abbreviation of bisphenol A is an organic compound used to make polycarbonate plastic. In making a baby's formula bottle for instance, BPA will make the bottle clear and nearly shatter-proof. BPA can dissolve when the bottle is used to contain high temperature water or cleaning of bottle with acidic dishwasher. Cleaning of bottle using rough cleaning utensils will also cause BPA to leach. BPA may affect brain development and behaviour of infants/ children, with concerns more on males than the females.
BPA bottles can still be used according to the directions provided by the manufacturer. Scratched/ damaged bottles must be discarded immediately. If bottles are still intact, they must be replaced in 6 months.
Some bottles labeled with the below recycling code for plastic may leak BPA.
BPA bottles can still be used according to the directions provided by the manufacturer. Scratched/ damaged bottles must be discarded immediately. If bottles are still intact, they must be replaced in 6 months.
Some bottles labeled with the below recycling code for plastic may leak BPA.