Exemplary leadership

What does it really mean?

Case #1

The office got a call asking the board of directors to prepare the organisation you’re currently working with for an evaluation to win an award. The panel of evaluators will be coming in a week and that’s the only time you and your co-workers could get everything ready for them and simultaneously do your job routines. Just one day away from the big evaluation day, the office again received a call from the same panel of evaluators, just that this time to cancel the evaluation because the organisation employing you have actually won the award twice not too long ago. You’d say; coming here to check on us whether we’re doing our work or if we’re doing them correctly, but look who’s not doing their work now, huh?

Case #2

While preparing for a major event exposing the organisation you’re currently working for, the board of directors asked you to update files of 3 years archive. You found out that one, two and may be three minutes went missing and reported it to your boss and your boss asked you to make up for the missing documents. You said; what?

Case #3

Your boss chairs long-hours meetings and constantly asks the secretary to prepare the minutes in possibly 3 days after each meeting. The secretary has circulated the minutes before the next meeting but your boss still asked the secretary where on earth his / her copy is. Of course the secretary has given the boss his/ her copy of the minutes, but your boss answers; I may have lost my copy.

Case #4

Your boss, you and your co-workers could discuss matters pertaining to a colleague whom everyone in the organisation apparently have problems with in the meetings that you have from time to time. However when this problematic employee is around for him/ her to study the complaints, nobody seems to say anything. You thought; they must have a lot that they don’t like about me and just keep mum.


You constantly remind younger family members not to study or do things at the very last minute. At work, you have actually kept a list of work to be done without taking any actions at all for a week, and just a few hours before the dateline to turn the job in, you just passed the job to another colleague without giving any help at all. And dare you say; thank God you helped.

So, which example are you setting and who’s going to follow that example?